History of William Henry Ashley, Utah
Taken from the Utah History Encyclopedia (Links Added)

In 1823, Ashley made another expedition up the Missouri. At the Arikara Villages near today's Pierre, South Dakota, the expedition ran into trouble.

In my research, it appears that Ashley generally had good relations with the Indians, with the exception of the Arikaras. The evidence points to the fact that he tried to trade with the Indians, if given a chance, and relied upon them for information, horses and food. In fact, Ashley and his men in the other expeditions often camped with or near Indian villages. Ashley seemed most impressed with the Shoshone. He did have trouble with the Crows, though, when they stole some of his horses.

In 1824, Andrew Henry retired and Ashley was left without his field commander. Once again, William Ashley was forced by the circumstances to unexpectedly lead an expedition into the mountains. The goal was the reach the Three Forks area in the Rocky Mountains. After his experience the year before with the Arikaras up the Missouri and since they were surely sore after Pilcher's men burned their villages, Ashley decided to go overland this time. This expedition, which lasted from Nov. 3, 1824 through Oct. 4, 1825 is the one where Ashley made his place in history.

Note: In 1826 Ashley led an expedition that reached the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake.

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