History of Layton, Utah
Taken from the Utah History Encyclopedia (Links Added)

Agriculture, the basis of Layton's early economy, produced two firsts in Utah Territory--the first reservoir built by Elias Adams in 1852 and the first alfalfa raised by Christopher Layton. Grazing utilized much of the marginal land, and early dry farming was also successful. Kays Creek provided water, and a succession of canal companies improved the scant supply. Construction of the East Canyon Dam and Reservoir finally assured a dependable water supply, enabling Layton farmers to become commercially successful with such cash crops as alfalfa, grain, onions, and potatoes. Peas and tomatoes were processed at local canneries, including the Layton Canning Company. Sugar beet production increased upon completion of the Layton Sugar Factory in 1915. Dairy products were marketed and east bench orchards produced abundant fruit crops. After World War II, field corn and turkey production were also successful; however, with increasing suburban sprawl, little agriculture remains today.

The construction of Hill Field in 1940 on the sand ridge to the north set the wheels of change in motion. During World War II Hill became an important center for supply and maintenance, with an attendant influx of war workers and servicemen and their families. Today Hill Air Force Base remains very important economically, not only to Layton but also to the state itself.

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