History of Manuelito Navajo Indian Chief, Utah

Navajo Nation Map

In 1893 Manuelito, like so many other Native Americans, died from the pale face imported measles, complicated by pneumonia. His Grave is found in Manuelito Springs, Ch'il Haajin (Black Weeds). Later, Ma'ii teehitlizhi ("Coyote fell in the watering hole"). Now "Coyote Canyon''.

G. William Wiersdorf

See: SUU, Edward Leo Lyman; The Navajo: A Brief History, Thomas G. Alexander; Fort Sumner, Bosque Redondo; Duckster, Native Americans - Navajo Tribe; NMSU, Treaty between the United States of America and the Navajo Tribe of Indians; Navajo Times, Manuelito's Legacy.

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