Mormon Battalion Roster, Utah
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Roster of Company D
Women and Children of Company D
Abbott, Ruth Markham, wife of Joshua Abbott.
Brown, Eunice Reasor, Wife of James “P” Brown. (Robert, Newman, John, Mary Ann, Sarah.
Button, Mary Bittles, Wife of Montgomery Button.( Charles, James, Jutson, Louisa.)
Higgins, Sarah Blackman, wife of Nelson Higgins, Capt. (Druzilla, Almira, Wealthy, Carlos Smith, Heber Kimball.)
Hirons, Mary Ann, wife of James P. Hirons.
Huntington, Fanny Maria Allen, wife of Dimick B. Huntington. (Martha Zina, Betsy Prescinda, Clark Allen, Lot.)
Sharp, Martha Jane Sargent, wife of Norman Sharp. (Sarah Ellen)
Sargent Caroline, daughter of Abel Sargent and sister to Martha Jane Sargent Sharp Mowrey.
Shelton, Elisabeth Trains Mayfield, wife of Sebert C. Shelton. (John Mayfield, Jackson Mayfield, Sarah Mayfield, Caroline Shelton, Mariah Shelton.)
Steele, Catherine Campbell, wife of John Steele. (Mary)
Tubbs, Sophia, wife of William Tubbs.
Williams, Albina Marie Merrill, wife of Thomas Stephen Williams. (Caroline Marie, Ephriam Merrill, Phoebe Lodema, sister of Albina Marie Williams.)
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