History of Mountain Green Trappers, Utah
Taken from the History Blazer. (Links Added)
On May 22 Ogden set up camp at a spot on the Weber River now known as Mountain Green. Also in the vicinity was Etienne Provost, a Frenchman up from Taos, New Mexico, who was trapping with a license issued by the Mexican government. Provost, who would give his name to the future town of Provo, Utah County, was a neutral bystander in the events that soon followed. When Johnson Gardner's American trappers camped less than 100 yards from the British group on May 23 and flew the U.S. flag, the stage was set for an international incident. Gardner and his men were prepared to fight for territorial rights; they claimed that the camp was located in United States territory. Ogden countered that it was in an area under the joint control of the British and American governments. (Actually, Provost had the better claim since he had a license from the Mexican government. The Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 had recognized Mexican rights to land south of the 42nd Parallel.) On the morning of May 24 Gardner took his claim to Ogden's tent and ordered the Hudson's Bay trappers to leave. Ogden naturally refused, and tension filled the rival camps.

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