History of Mountain Green Trappers, Utah
Taken from the History Blazer. (Links Added)

Meanwhile, Ogden's Indian wife was having her own troubles with the deserters. While she was busy collecting her children, several men stampeded the company horses outside her tent. Her eight-month-old son Michael had been tied to the saddle of one of the mares that was herded off. The frightened mother quickly ran to the American camp and managed to seize the child and mare before being caught. On her way back she collected several company horses loaded with furs.

That night rumor spread throughout Ogden's camp that the Americans were planning an attack. But all was quiet, and the next morning Ogden gave a call to abandon the camp. The Hudson's Bay Company, greatly reduced in numbers and supplies, retreated to the Flathead Post. Though the two parties managed to avoid further confrontation, the incident at Mountain Green only strengthened the long-standing rivalry between the British and American companies.

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