History of James E. Talmage, Utah
Taken from the Utah History Encyclopedia. (Links Added)

Talmage had unusual expository writing and speaking ability, and was able to convey meanings and ideas skillfully. He had a remarkable memory which added greatly to his efficiency as a writer and speaker. With his knowledge and his mastery of the English language, he was able to command the admiration and respect of scholars, statesmen, and other leaders at home and abroad. His scholarly manner, his connections with learned societies, and his unusual ability as a teacher and speaker secured for him a scholarly prestige among his own people that has probably never been equaled by any other leader.

James Talmage died on 27 July 1933 and was remembered by Rudger Clawson: "The words he has written paint pictures even of comparatively commonplace matters in such colors and with such impressiveness that almost without variation they have in them that outstanding literary element which rarely fails to interest and entertain."

Becky White Workman

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