
Elmo was named after 4 men who attended a meeting to name the town. It was decided to use their initials. Mr. Erickson, Mr. Larsen, Mr. Mortensen and Mr. Oviatt. ELMO (Shawn Christenson)

I grew up in Elmo, and helped a widow for many years by the name of Charlotte Erickson. She told many of us for as long as I could remember, that Elmo was the first letter of the last name, of the 4 families that settled it, and her Dad was one of the 4. (Spelling of names is not certain) Erickson, Larsen, Mortensen and Oviatt. Everyone in town also agreed with that, so it would be nice to have that reflected as a fact, and not an assumption or guess of where the name came from. (Mike Peterson)


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