History of Juab, Utah
Taken from the Utah Place Names. (Links Added)


Juab (Juab) was established in 1860 and received the name Chicken Creek from the creek the settlers built on. Shortly afterward, the town was abandoned, then resettled as John C. Widbeck's Overland Stage Station. When the Utah Southern Railroad came through in 1876, Widbecks Station became an important railroad stop and John C. renamed it Juab. In 1879, when the rairoad extended its line to Milford, Juab gradually declined in importance and population. Today it is farmland. The word "Juab" comes from the name already given to the valley by the local Indians, the Uabs, Yuabs, or Yoab Indians of the Piute Tribe and means flat or level plain. Another record also incorporates the word "thirsty" into the meaning of Juab.

John W. Van Cott

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