
History of Stockton, Utah
Courtesy of (Links Added)

Stockton (Tooele) is on Road 36, 6.6 mi south of Tooele. Just one-half mile to the south is Rush Lake (fuctuates greatly) bordering the northeast corner of Rush Valley. Settled in the mid 1800's, an early name for the area was Shambip, the Indian name for Rush. With the arrival of Colonel Steptoe and his Artillery Company from California in 1854, the name Camp Relief came into being. Steptoe left Camp Relief and returned to California but some soldiers of his company remained . In 1862 General Patrick Conner and a company of the Second Cavalry arrived also from California.

With the discovery of a rich source of lead and oxide ore Camp Relief grew and was renamed Stockton after the town in Calfornia that many of the soldiers hailed from. However, there was during General Connors time in the mid 1800's a Commodore General Field Stockton in the area. Could he have been considered a possible namesake for the town?

See: Brief History of Stockton, Utah; Utah Place Names, John W. Van Cott.

G. William Wiersdorf

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